Autumn is a generous season. Winter is dramatic, spring enthusiastic and summer's just a little bit showy, but autumn is all about the giving. One minute it's fresh apples and blackberries, the next it's pinecones and conkers.
So when the children are in the garden or out on a walk, make the most of it by getting them to play the autumn treasure memory game (from 101 Things For Kids To Do Outside).
First they need to pick up as many different autumn 'gifts' as they can - an assortment of coloured leaves, fruit, seedheads, nuts. You can even hold a competition to see who can find the largest variety.
When you've gathered together your treasures (around 15-20 works well) you can play the memory game.
Lay everything on an outdoor table, tray or a clear space on the ground. Everyone has a minute to remember all they can before the whole lot is covered (you can use an old tea towel for this, or, if you're out on a walk, someone's jacket).
The person holding the cloth then removes an item without the others seeing, before revealing the treasures again. The first person to spot what's missing wins - and then it's their turn to cover everything up and remove another treasure.
One word of warning - some berries can be poisonous so get the kids to wash their hands after picking them up - and make sure very young children have an adult with them when looking for autumn treasures.
Tomorrow... collect flower seeds.