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October 24, 2014


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One thing my girls are really excited to help me with in the garden is with seed collecting. We even took it a step further one season and I taught my older daughter how to make seed pods form on two of my tropical hibiscus plants that were living in the house then, which included teaching her the birds and the bees about the plant and why what she was doing worked. She also collected the seeds for me from the pods and we've grown them on. We're excited to see what the blooms look like on two of the seedlings we kept.

I love the idea of having children make their own seed packets too. I'm going to do that!

Another great gardening activity with children, especially in areas where it's cold and snowy all winter, is a method of sowing seeds called Wintersowing. My daughters help with it and on the winter solstice, we've started a little tradition including Wintersowing that sort of celebrates the longer days ahead.

Wonderful post, thank you!


Hi Anna - thanks so much for that comment. I'm incredibly impressed by the hibiscus pollination and intrigued by this wintersowing idea - might have to try that one myself

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