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April 19, 2010


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Yolanda Elizabet

Good luck with your cold frame and the non-breaking thereof. I have several coldframes and they are fab. Funnily enough mine are made of pvc so very childfriendly but I haven't got kids. Perhaps we should swap? ;-)


It looks very smart, and should help you clear the windowsills.

Scented Sweetpeas

That is fab and looks great!

Metropolitan Mum

And it looks quite cool, too. I want one of those! No, I NEED one of those. Just where would I put it???


Yolanda - sounds like a plan. Or you could just take the kids.

Jo - The gloom has now lifted and I am bathed in pools of sunlight

SS - too kind

MM - I know what you mean, mine would be more convenient if it hovered a few feet off the ground to leave space for other things, but this was beyond evern my father's talents


Why are they called cold frames? Surely 'warm frame' would be more accurate?

But then greenhouses aren't green.

You gardeners are WEIRD.


Oh I need a new cold frame maybe I could try this before giving into and spending a fortune


That's smashing (pardon the pun). Your dad's a star.


Pinny - Weird? WEIRD! I'll only admit to mild eccentricity.

Helen - Definitely worth a go - it's cost me nothing and has given me enough space for tons of seedlings.

Yellow - you may have jinxed it now. If it gets smashed, I'm blaming you!

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