I have a horrible feeling that I'm becoming more than a little Linda Snell* these days. Unlike this Archers' character I have not started to counsel teenage village tearaways, nor have I acquired any Llamas, but I am quite annoying and seem to have developed a dangerous habit of joining every committee and local cause going.
So far this includes taking charge of fundraising for the local pre-school, becoming booking clerk for the Village Hall (one of Huntingdonshire's finest venues and very good value...) and being part of a working party to redevelop our local recreation ground into a more exciting and child-friendly space.
I have a feeling my invitation to join the latter was not so much a reflection of any 'pillar of the community' status but a canny choice by the chairman who knew he'd get a free design into the bargain - the wily fox - I shall refer to him as Brian Aldridge from now on.
Not only was the design fee non-existent, but I also had to incorporate ideas generated from a consultation with over a hundred local people and a petition of village children. Then the finished design was presented to the entire village for them to pour over, criticise, mock and deride. It was when they began to construct a large wicker figure in the pub garden that I really began to worry.
But no, after three consultations and a few plan adjustments (too many trees and a pathological fear of eco toilets being the main feedback) we had a plan agreed. As well as play structures, I have managed to sneak in some planted areas, a small wildflower meadow and even a few trees (I'm still trying to work out what the locals have against them...).
Most exciting of all, we have just had news that Awards for All have given us a grant for our trim trail - be gone ye village obesity - and this follows the award late last year from Cambridgeshire Play Pathfinder to fund our picnic area, play fort, shelter, willow tunnel and zip wire.
Having said that, the recreation ground (photographed above) still looked rather uninspiring and snow-covered this afternoon, but the first part of the build will begin later this month and I hope, by the end of the year, the picture will look very different. Perhaps I should think about organising an Ambridge-style pantomime to celebrate...
*apologies to all those who don't listen to the Archers on Radio 4, but really you should start... NOW! I mean how else will you know the importance of good pasture for milk protein levels, the intricacies of bee-keeping or why you should never trust the local doctor around your fiancé.
Utterly terrifying on all levels.
Posted by: Viv Groskop | January 08, 2010 at 07:47 PM
Just don't volunteer to direct any pantos.
Posted by: HappyMouffetard | January 08, 2010 at 08:15 PM
When I saw your twitter I thought which out of the many annoying Archers characters could you be? If you read the BBC Archers Messageboard you will find that probably only Jazzer and Kenton are less than hated and that in comparison to Wor Ruthie and Fag Ash Lil, Lynda Snell is really quite popular.
Well done!
Posted by: Arabella Sock | January 08, 2010 at 08:17 PM
What a blog title. I was just going to bed but couldn't resist so I am still here. I quite like the Wicker Man idea but have no truck with fear of composting toilets. I wonder if you should practise saying no for a bit - you may be risking overload there. x
Posted by: elizabethm | January 08, 2010 at 11:22 PM
Well done on getting something agreed - not easy. Maybe if you'd proposed a green burial ground? Ahem.
Your photo is so uncannily similar to our field (also in consultation for a revamp) that I thought you'd decamped here! There must be a factory somewhere that makes village hall fields.
Posted by: Joanne Roach | January 09, 2010 at 09:16 AM
Reckon you should contact GW or RHS or similar to see if they will commission you to write a series of articles about the transformation. You never know they might say yes
Posted by: Helen | January 09, 2010 at 01:01 PM
Viv - you speak the truth
HM - To be fair I leave the Am Dram to my other half - he looks better in tights...
Arabella - Surely no one can find Lilian annoying - she's my favourite character by far. Shula, however, that's another matter...
Elizabeth - I'm a massive fan of composting loos but round here they are considered the devil's work.
Joanne - If I'd proposed a green burial ground, I guarantee I would have been the first resident!
Helen - nice idea - might try that one!
Posted by: Dawn/LittleGreenFingers | January 09, 2010 at 04:45 PM
Lilian's my favourite too and I'm also with you on Shula.
Posted by: Thursday | January 10, 2010 at 02:38 PM
Shula and Helen get my high-irritation-factor vote. Annette too.
I think a test might be how many people would mind if someone were to disappear. Linda Snell might be a pain but, if she were to die, the whole village would go into deep mourning.
Do you remember Aunt Laura?
I wish you could come and rescue our local playground. When it was put there, a 'consultation van' arrived. You could climb aboard and look at a map of what would be there - two swings, three stepping stones, one basketball net and a climbing frame.
I asked where the trees and bushes would be. The man with the map asked where I would be planting them. Who? Me? Personally? - Yes. I declined the offer so there are no trees. I asked where the benches would be. "You think there should be benches?" - For parents with small children. - The idea came as a surprise to him. He hadn't thought of benches. Would I start fundraising for benches? No.
Apparently, providing us with a desolate space was seen as a way of bringing us together as a community. A neighbour organised two fetes - which raised money for one round-about, a notice board and two traffic signs. Then she got ill and had to stop.
So - one (almost) empty waste waiting for lots of money and diggers and designers.
How can you have a park without trees?
Posted by: Esther Montgomery | January 10, 2010 at 05:27 PM
Wish I was Lillian but I'm more Jill Archer with a smattering of Clarrie Grundy and Kate Aldridge thrown in for good measure. Work that one out!
I am happy to direct the panto celebration though... provided it doesn't clash with Pride and Prejudice of course.
Posted by: twitter.com/countrygate | January 11, 2010 at 09:59 AM
Thursday - we should form the Lilian Under-rated (Supporters and Helpers) group - LUSH for short
Esther - Trees AND benches? Blimey, you don't ask for much do you? You've got a notice board for heaven's sake - surely you can't need anything more.
Countrygate - why don't we combine and do P&P in panto form...
"Where will I find an eligible man of good fortune?"
"He's behind you!"
Posted by: Dawn/LittleGreenFingers | January 11, 2010 at 01:20 PM
Oh Dawn, Dawn,Dawn..don't do things like that without asking.
It is always an enormous mistake to try and design something to satisfy an entire community. Everybody will always band together and try to kill you. Your supreme efforts and immaculately rendered drawing will be trampled underfoot by muddy villagers who will all want something different.
Especially if toilets or dogs are involved.
I am, however, thrilled by your Trim trail. They were (probably still are) terribly popular in Germany where various picturesque woodland trails were besmirched by parallel bars and scaling walls (like the assault course in Officer and a Gentleman). I hope you will be often seen availing yourself of the facilities.
Posted by: JamesA-S | January 11, 2010 at 07:16 PM
James - they can't kill me, otherwise they'd have no booking clerk for the Village Hall, no-one to organise the Christmas Quiz... or the barn dance... or indeed, the impending 80s night. Otherwise, yes, I would be a dead woman.
And no, I shall not be going near any parallel bars - I have the upper body strength of an asthmatic octogenarian.
Posted by: Dawn/LittleGreenFingers | January 12, 2010 at 01:09 PM
Bloody hell, you really are Linda Snell.
You have colour coded files and a clipboard, don't you?
Posted by: JamesA-S | January 12, 2010 at 01:54 PM