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December 09, 2009


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Tracey Bennett

Aha! I have 2 small, sick children, am on day 3 of house arrest with sickness, day 4 beckons. This may just save my sanity tomorrow!


The Cress elves have enormous potential to keep you going through the dark days of winter:
Cress Marks and Spencer Underwear Model
Cress Cast of the Nutcracker (still a bit Chritmassy)
Then once all the festivities have faded:
Cress John Prescott
Cress England Football Team (also Leyton Orient, Arsenal and Heart of Midlothian)
Cress Judith Chalmers (on the Holiday Programme)
Cress Brad and Angelina
in March you could have
Cress March Hare (extra cress)
Cress Bob Flowerdew (you should be experienced enough by then to make a plait)
For April (just as you regain your Frisk)
Cress Easter Chicks
and you’re away into May Flower Shows
Cress Alan Titchmarsh
Cress Joe Swift (without cress except perhaps a couple of tufts in his ears)
and into Summer
Cress Nude sunbather (scope for pubic cress and extra educational opportunities)
etc etc etc
None of us need ever be bored again.


I have just had a bit of a rant about Christmas stuff on my blog and yours is exactly the antidote to all that hideous urging to spend and worry and make a big deal about it. Cress elves, they are the answer.
Oh and I might be a tulip too or maybe a hedgehog today.

A Modern Mother

Love it. I'm a tulip too.


Tracey - I hope it helps. Personally, I swear by Medised and TV!

James - I am speechless! So many good ideas, where do I start? I have also been toying with the complete Terracotta Army or cast of Ghandi cress heads.

I may even make a JAS cress head complete with hat so you can add it to your strange collection along with the red shoe and mini JAS sculpture. Then you'll be sorry...

Elizabeth - am off to the Welsh Hills immediately - I do so enjoy your rants!

AMM - We'll set up a club...

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