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October 05, 2009


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Liz (aka Nutty Gnome)

Never mind the pre-schoolers, I think I'm going to make one of these for my garden!!!


Liz - would you like me to ask Colin if he has some spare pipe for you... ?

What is it about plumbers that means I have to make dreadful double entendres?


I could do with knowing a plumber. I searched high and low for piping to make a netting frame to cover my brassicas. I ended up just using canes.


Jo - I have also found my local Freecycle group good for this sort of thing - you can pick up all sorts of weird and wonderful things there for making strange garden-based structures.


That is so smart. It looks good too. I've never had a plumber neighbor but looks like he's a blessing to lots of people.

Martyn Cox

Did Diarmuid Gavin help to design those cloches?


Anna - I can highly recommend them - second only to doctors and handymen.

Martyn - I knew they reminded me of something!


Proximity to building sites or extensions also helps - I've managed to cart home loads of pipe they've just left around in ditches etc. instead of clearing up. They also make great tubes for root watering of newly planted trees etc.

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