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May 14, 2009


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At first I was concerned but reading on am now relieved - what a thought 68 hanging baskets!!

I think that is a great idea by the nursery - well done them


Ooooh I'm in!

I couldn't get you via Mrs Be, so I tried a different browser and there you are!

Looks like AOL doesn't like you, but Internet Explorer certainly does.

So in a roundabout way I'm saying it looks like it's my problem not yours...

BTW - the hanging basket fundraiser's a brilliant idea.

Joanne Drayson

What an excellent idea and glad to hear the money is going into other gardening projects for the school.

Dawn Isaac

Helen - it's good isn't it. They're a small family run nursery and I think this is incredibly enterprising.

VP - Welcome!!! I am rolling out an online red carpet for you! Sorry it's been such a pain to get here - equivalent to a long car ride for the under 5s I imagine.

Joanne - yes it seemed fitting we should use the money on the garden (well actually, I decided this without consultation but no one seems to have objected - so far...)


I love it! Investing a little time and a few seeds equals hanging baskets sold for profit to those who don't have time to do it themselves. Great that your school found such a benevolent nursery. Do the pre-schoolers help to maintain the garden?

Dawn Isaac

Maintain might be overstating it. But they are enthusiastic!

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